World Wildlife Day – WWF supports sustainable palm oil
WWF supports sustainable palm oil. On World Wildlife Day, we reflect on our responsibility to protect the magnificent diversity of life on our planet. As SPOC we would like to use this day to highlight the palm oil position of our Advisory Team member WWF.
In a SPOC webinar, Kamal Seth, WWF’s Global Palm Oil Lead, shared the WWF’s global palm oil vision: “Halt the conversion of natural ecosystems, ensuring that palm oil production, trade and consumption is responsible; protects, restores and connects landscapes; and benefits people and nature”.

In this video WWF explains that boycotting palm oil is not a solution:
This is why WWF is one of the close to 100 conservation organizations and NGOs that have signed the Statement in Support of Sustainable Palm Oil.
The World Wildlife Fund says that “Palm oil production doesn’t have to be destructive and it can be produced responsibly as a part of sustainable development that accrues positive socio-economic impacts.”
WWF holds companies accountable for their sustainable palm oil sourcing policies and practices. Check the WWF Palm Oil Buyers Scorecard to see how your favorite brands are performing.