The Initiative for Sustainable Palm Oil is a movement of companies, and NGOs in Czech Republic and Slovakia committed to either use, produce or support sustainable palm oil.

Iniciativa pro udržitelný palmový olej (Initiative for Sustainable Palm Oil)
Our commitment on the movement
“Sustainable agriculture is a modern trend. It is valid for all commodities. The Initiative promoting sustainable palm oil is the better alternative compare to activities aiming for its boycott.
Jiří Brát, leader
Our story
The Initiative for Sustainable Palm Oil was established as an informal movement demythifying the palm oil. Palm oil can be obtained in a way without significant impact on the environment or causing social conflicts. A website, where readers can learn about sustainable palm oil, has been set up. Palm oil plays an important role in food industry and helped to withdraw partially hydrogenated fats as an ingredient from many products. A range of companies, NGOs and other subjects that have committed to use or promote palm oil from sustainable sources is presented on the web. Short news related to palm oil are regularly published on the web. Videos and materials for download are available in local language.
Our UN Sustainable Development Goals
Our organisation is most concerned with the following 5 UN SDGs:
- Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being
- Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
- Goal 13: Climate Action
- Goal 14: Life below Water
- Goal 15: Life on Land

Our struggles and next activity
Palm oil has historically a bad perception among the population. Media has been looking mainly for negative information, but there is also positive information, which does not reach an average consumer. The biggest struggle is to bring the right information to people. Palm oil users should be more proud of using sustainable palm oil.
In 2020, the Initiative for Sustainable Palm Oil had published a brochure with more detailed information about sustainable palm oil in co-operation with Czech Consumer Association. The brochure has been distributed among palm oil users and it is used as a material during lectures and in other kinds of communication with professionals, journalist, general public, etc.
Join us!
Sign up, switch to sustainable palm oil and join us in showing the positive impact on the ground and making sustainable palm oil a reality!
Are you committed? Join the Sustainable Palm Oil Choice.