Palm oil and palm kernel oil represent 35 per cent of the global vegetable oil production in 2020/21, according to USDA.
73,8 million metric tons of palm oil is produced in 2021/22, according to USDA.
One palm tree produces 40 kilogrammes of palm oil every year, according the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
One hectare of oil palm trees produce on average 3.3 tons of oil each year, according to WWF. The average yield of oil palm trees is between 1.9 and 4.8 ton per hectare.
Only 0.26 hectare of land is required for 1 ton of palm oil.
The oil palm yields much more oil than other crops, as much as two to eight times more per hectare than rapeseed, soybean, peanut, coconuts or sunflowers, says Douglas Sheil, affiliated to the Norwegian University of Life Sciences in Ås, Norway.
Because of its high yields, oil palm produces about 35 per cent of all vegetable oil on less than 10 per cent of the land allocated to oil crops, says IUCN
Southeast Asia (including the largest producers Indonesia and Malaysia) represents 84 per cent of total production, Africa is responsible for four percent and Latin America for eight per cent of the volume. USDA FAS, 2021
Worldwide, there are millions employed in the palm oil sector. In Indonesia and Malaysia alone, there are at least 4.3 million people working in palm oil plantations. RSPO Impact Report 2022